
What is Charter?

We’ve all been in this scenario: It’s the Friday before spring break and we need a ride to the airport to go home. The cheapest uber to NYC is $90 and with 2 bags there’s no way you would want to take the train. Introducing Charter––a mobile app that will match you with up to three other Princeton students who need to go from campus to the aiport at similar times. You’ll no longer need to email every listserv, post in every group, and message all your friends to create a ride-sharing group. Simply enter your NetID and submit your destination, time of travel, and preferred pickup location and Charter will match you to your group and take care of functions like payment splitting, ride accountability if people bail, and hailing your ride automatically.

Product Guide

To learn more about Charter, please check out our product guide available here.

Design Document

Latest version will be available here.


March 24

March 31

April 7

April 14

April 21

April 28 (Alpha Test)

May 5 (Beta Test)

May 8 - 10 (Demo Week)